Today is Life

I am really good at living in the future. I’ve realized that I’m not the best ‘live in the now’ type of person. For years I have planned my life (with some bumps and turns along the way). I’d go to school, get a job, etc.  Last October I decided that I was going to move back to Saskatoon sometime in the spring.  By February, I was getting pretty antsy and all I could think about was being back in my city.  I was so discontent with where I was. 

During that time I was coaching a Dale Carnegie course (previously attended the class as a student)… Here's a brief run down of DC first... It’s a 12 week course (1 night/week) where you learn how to:

  • Become a strong, persuasive communicator
  • Listen at a deeper level
  • Build self confidence
  • Improve interpersonal skills
  • Manage stress and worry and become proactive
  • Lead and Influence others

I could honestly talk about DC for days!  It was a life changing experience – made me stretch way beyond my comfort zone and the lessons I learned during those 6 months affect me still on a daily basis. {I would strongly encourage every one of you to take this – talk to me you’d like to learn more}.  

Okay back to the story – I was preparing for one of the classes, feeling completely discontent, and trying to figure out what examples I’d use for the evening. I ran across a quote the very wise Dale Carnegie said:

After reading that I realized I needed to stop living in the future and experience the NOW. I needed to enjoy my last few months in Regina - spend time with friends, enjoy the Cathedral area and go to the Winners/HomeSense often.  I ended up really enjoying my last bit of time there and spring came sooner than expected and I moved home...

Since being home I have had to remind myself on numerous occasions that today is life. I'd spend so many weekends on the farm with Kyle, so naturally I thought about what I would do if I actually lived there. I became anxious because I couldn't plan the next year or two of my life without Kyle's input. I needed to live life instead of day dreaming about what was next.  I'd like to mention that Kyle is amazing at living in the moment.  It's something that I wish I could do more easily but I am definitely getting better. I am developing my hobbies {jewellery design} and getting interested in different things {this blog for instance}.   By keeping interested and busy, I don't get anxious about not knowing what exactly comes next. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still planning certain aspects of my life - - this blog was started so I could plan for what's to come. But I am learning to live life one day at a time - making the most of what's going on right now - taking full advantage of my city life while I can!

So how are you going to shake yourself awake?  Any hobbies you've wanted to pursue but have been putting off?   Today is the day to make the most of your life.  Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you.

~ Alex   

PS - Plans for the holidays?   I'm going to find recipes on Pinterest and make Kyle food.  He needs to eat and I need to learn to make food that tastes better than Tammy's and my Grandma's {we'll see how it goes!} 

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  • Author image
    Amy Genesis: April 03, 2014

    Good message, Alex! Thanks for making me aware of Dale Carnegie's teaching. (I like the name "Carnegie" so much—because of Dale and Andrew—I might use it on one of my children.) I did misread the image you posted, where it says "Develop a hobby" I read "Develop a baby." Guess I have baby on the brain!

  • Author image
    AKB: April 03, 2014

    Develop a baby made me laugh!! Hopefully I'll get to see you over the holidays – would love to talk to your little person!

  • Author image
    Samantha Wolfe: April 03, 2014

    I struggle with this too! I'm always looking to the present, but sooner than I know the present will only be a memory, and a memory I likely will long for at times! Like you said, I have to remind myself to take full advantage of the place I am now and enjoy it day by day :)

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    All Because of a Pretzel… | Alexandra Kathlyn: April 03, 2014

    […] talked about my love for Dale Carnegie in one of my very first posts. The 12-week course stretched me both professionally and personally […]

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