Spring 2018 Collection Inspiration

If you're anything like me, especially after this long, cold winter, you're probably looking forward to shedding some layers & adding some new hues to the wardrobe. 

Every year Pantone releases their 'colours of the year' which I often use for inspiration towards the new collections. I'm always eager to see what they come up with and sometimes I'm really excited and other times...not so much.

This year's main colour is Ultra Violet. Although I'm more of a Blooming Dahlia person (and many of my collections already reflect that), I'm excited to incorporate some of the lovely lavender & violet colours. 

I know which colours I love and hate, so I'm curious, which are yours?

And if you're interested in winning $100 towards the Spring Collection, make sure you're part of the Insider Community! Or sign up here...

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