MEET: Stephanie Clough | Urban Valley Salon

Today I'd like you to meet Stephanie Clough. She's the Owner of Urban Valley Salon in Valleyview, Alberta and our newest Retail Partner!

A little while ago I asked people on social media if there were any stores they'd like to see AKA in and within minutes Marissa tagged her friend Steph. Marissa was the Owner of RIA Boutique and my first ever Retail Partner so I trusted her recommendation. Not too long after, Steph reached out and now we're here!


Company: Urban Valley Salon 

Years in business: 9


Tell us about your business...

Urban Valley is a reflection of the girl who is comfortable and confident in who she is. She knows exactly who she is but isn't scared to try new things. Maybe she likes nude nails for the work week but purple lipstick Saturday night. We want to help make you comfortable with who you want to be!


Did you always know you wanted to do what you're doing now? What motivated you?

ALWAYS! Magazines, the hair, the clothes, the accessories. Watching people walk down the street and wondering who they are based upon their choice in style.


What is the best part about your job? What is the most challenging part?

My clients! Seeing the smile on their face after achieving that bold new look for the season or helping them find a great new lip shade for day wear, or AKA piece for an event. Being a part of something that makes someone feel special - that's the best! The most challenging is hands down staying ahead of things, trends are changing all of the time and people expect you to know.


What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Opening my own business! And being recognized by my community as "Young Entrepreneur of the Year" in 2013


What do you know now that you wish you knew at the beginning of your journey?

It won't happen over night, so be patient, passionate and proud of the baby steps.


When you’re overwhelmed, what brings you back to focus?

I have a top notch support system in both my family & friends. My mom helped start the dream of Urban Valley with me and always reminds me of where I started. I have to also acknowledge my fellow #girlboss' we are all in different markets and businesses but they are always there for me to bounce ideas off of, give guidance, and share in the moments of madness with encouragement.


Suppose we had a time machine. If you blasted ourselves forward a few years, where would we see your ​yourself/​company?

I love my hometown and have been so fortunate to watch Urban Valley grow with their support. I see us shifting from "Spa" to "boutique" and look forward to collaborating more with small local artisans. Urban Valley is a representation of my passion for trend so with that I hope to always be evolving.


Is there a cause or organization that you contribute to that you’re particularly passionate about?

I've been an active member of our local Chamber for 6 years now. To me it's important as a small business to encourage the support, growth and recognition of other businesses in your community.

Fun Facts

Things (products/apps/etc) you couldn't live without? Kevin Murphy Doo.Over - what girl doesn't love a dry shampoo with some style oomph?!


Favourite Instagram Feed(s): Gypsea_lust


Favourite places to shop: We've got some great local shops in Grande Prairie, House of Spades Boutique, Polite Society and Fusion are my reliable favourites but get me into the big city and I've got to hit up Aritzia.


Finish the sentence….I wish I knew how to ____________. Sing!


Go-to Starbucks order: Vanilla steamer with whip and caramel drizzle


Dream vacation: Morocco. The souks, the mint tea, architecture & culture... that to me sounds pretty dreamy.


Favourite way to treat yourself: A good spa treatment followed by ice cream!


Favourite spots or things to do in your city or province: Getting out to a nearby lake and camping with friends.


Favourite AKA Piece: Right now I'm loving my Matte gold chevron choker!!


If you could go for dinner with 3 people, living or dead, who would they be? Chelsea Handler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Meryl Streep


Where can we find you?

@urbanvalleysalon on Instagram & Facebook

Business located @ 5004-50th Ave Valleyview, Ab


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  • Author image
    Dinah Iggulden: June 10, 2017

    Hey AKA, I just wanted to comment on how incredible this blog is and that it shares Steph’s true passion for her work & shop! She’s truly devoted and has always showed her creative talent with every client that has walked in through the door and out with a smile, feeling confident and beautiful! Thank you for sharing and your jewelry is gorgeous!
    ~ Dinah

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