The Currently: 01

Well, it's time for me to finally get back to blogging after taking a much too long hiatus. It's not that I blogged often before but when you own a small business and wear all the hats, blogging easily gets pushed to the side.

In order to ease myself back into writing, I thought a Currently post would be perfect. If you aren't familiar with "Currently" or "Lately" posts, it's basically a list of what's going on at the current moment.  So let's get to it!

AKA Blog Series The Currently Volume 1


Reading: Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I started this last summer but I also had a few other books on the go, so I decided to finish those first. I've heard a lot of good things about this book and I'm excited to dive in without the distraction of other books.

Listening to: The Relaxing Film Scores playlist on Google Play. I can't work well when it's quiet and I've learned if there are lyrics, I get easily distracted. So, I listen to instrumental playlists and this is one of my absolute favourites!

Wearing: Boyfriend jeans from Farminista (similar), a palm tree/sailboat T-shirt from Target (it's cuter than you might be envisioning), Blue Spot & Opal Bracelets, Blue Spot Earrings & our Matte Gold Wrap Bracelet (but I've knotted it and wearing it as a necklace)

Drinking: Homemade Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte... one must become creative when the closest Starbucks is over 100kms away!

Celebrating: The arrival of the long weekend & a family wedding on Saturday. I'm also celebrating, from afar, my sister's birthday.

Planning: Summer Goals for AKA, my Summer Bucket List & a new collection

Obsessing Over: My new Action Day Planner. Geeky, I know, but does anyone else have trouble finding the perfect planner?? AND the new Summer Studs in the shop! You can check them out here

Feeling: Energized & productive...which is awesome for a Thursday before a long weekend!

What are you currently up to? Any plans for the long weekend?

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